Breakfast and Lunch are offered to our students at no cost, district-wide. We recognize that offering breakfast to all students has many benefits for the school, the student, and the parent. These benefits include:
- Breakfast helps our students to learn and to be the best students they can be. Recent studies have shown that students are better able to learn, pay attention, and do better on tests when they consistently eat a balanced, nutritious breakfast.
- Breakfast helps the parents of our district financially by removing the burden of feeding their children breakfast every morning. It may not seem like much but the cost of feeding a family breakfast each morning can really add up.
- Breakfast helps our school district by improving test scores and attendance rates. Better nutrition means a healthier immune system and can help kids fight off germs. This means more students in class on a regular basis and makes them better prepared. Better prepared students become better-prepared adults.
Our lunches consist of an entrée item and a choice of fruit, vegetable, and milk. We also offer alternative lunches to those that may not choose what is on the menu for the day. In our Middle School and High School, we offer a number of additional options as a way to please the increasingly diverse eating habits of today’s young adults. We offer lunch every day to about 3000 students and staff using a system called Offer Versus Serve. Offer Versus Serve requires that we offer a minimum number of choices (5), one from each food category (bread, meat/meat alternate, fruit, vegetable, and milk), and have the student choose a minimum number (3) for their lunch. Studies show that if the student is able to choose what they want, they will be more likely to eat it and thus get a healthy, balanced meal.